Citizen Project

Bringing People Together Across Differences

Trends in America show that we are growing increasingly divided and angry toward each other. SAGE is concerned that as these trends persist, it will become harder for people to work together to find solutions to the growing public problems faced by younger and future generations.

The goal of our Citizen Project is to inspire and support people to work across differences to solve public problems. Each year, we aim to reach hundreds of people through our events to explore ways to work across differences to pursue common goals. We also collaborate with other groups and support partners working to strengthen civics education in schools and civic engagement in society.

Click for a summary of our Citizen Project.

Read on to learn about the events we offer and our partners.

Contact us to learn more about hosting an event.


Get more involved with this important work

Help us reach new audiences by hosting or co-hosting a Citizen Project event. We offer many no-cost events. We can facilitate or co-facilitate with your group, and we can help defray costs for venues or refreshments. Each event has its own energy and pace, and the format can adapt to your needs. Our goal is for guests to feel comfortable sharing their views in a respectful and supportive atmosphere. The event can range from 1 to 3 hours, and it can be offered online, in-person, and hybrid.

Contact us to learn about hosting an event.

Looking for other ways to get involved? Check out the great work of our partners listed below!

List Of Citizen Project Events

Ways To Volunteer With Citizen Project

Democracy Partners

Civics Learning Project

Classroom Law Project

Classroom Law Project brings vital and engaging civics and law-related education programs into Oregon schools, teaching students at all grade levels the values and skills essential to participating in and strengthening democracy. There are many opportunities for members of the legal, judicial, and business community to volunteer to prepare youth to become active, engaged, and informed participants in their communities. 

Email: or call (503) 224-4424. For opportunities in Central Oregon, email Amy Sabbadini,

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C4C is a non-partisan organization in Sisters, Oregon that works with community members to promote healthy civic discourse and to help build collaborative skills and local networks. We host and support programs and projects that enhance teamwork and foster a more prosperous, empowered Sisters Country - one increasingly ready to address opportunities and challenges as they arise. Email

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Oregon Humanities

Oregon Humanities connects people and communities through conversation, storytelling, and participatory programs to inspire understanding and collaborative change. We are aiming for an Oregon that invites diverse perspectives, explores challenging questions, and strives for just communities. Email

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Braver Angels

Braver Angels is working to depolarize America by bringing liberals and conservatives together to better understand each other. They do that by teaching communication skills, hosting workshops, book and movie discussions, debates and much more. They have also launched an initiative called Braver Politics, which aims to help our elected officials communicate across party lines more effectively. Email

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Community Conversations Bend

Community Conversations Bend offers events in Central Oregon for community members of all backgrounds to share stories and discuss issues that matter. There's an open feeling of trust and a bubbling up of ideas that break down the silos that are dividing our communities across the country. 

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Oregon's Kitchen Table

Oregon's Kitchen Table creates ways for all Oregonians to share their ideas, opinions, beliefs, and resources in improving Oregon and our communities. OKT combines online and in-person engagement practices to create a wide variety of options. We are committed to engaging community members from all walks of life - particularly communities that typically have not been represented or engaged in public processes - to achieve deep engagement. Using culturally specific and targeted outreach, Oregon's Kitchen Table has a particular focus on hearing from Oregonians who have been left out of traditional engagement processes. We work with organizers, translators, and interpreters so materials and online and in-person engagement activities are available for Oregonians who speak a wide variety of languages and learn in a variety of ways. We recognize that people bring all different levels of knowledge and familiarity regarding issues and policies. We use approaches to ensure those who may not have as in-depth working knowledge can still respond and share what they believe and have experienced.

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Healthy Democracy

Healthy Democracy is a US-based nonpartisan nonprofit that designs and coordinates innovative deliberative democracy programs. We believe in elevating the voices of everyday people in public decision making through democratic lotteries. Email:

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Crossing Party Lines

Crossing Party Lines fosters open conversations between Americans with dissimilar ideologies to increase tolerance, build community, and encourage civic engagement. They teach the underlying skills required to sustain civil, respectful dialogue across the political spectrum and offer regular opportunities to practice through weekly, moderated conversations about the issues of the day. 

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