Education is the great equalizer. A good education provides the skills needed to get a job with a steady income, and tools that are essential to being a critical thinker and good citizen.
Older adults contribute in many ways to build a brighter future in education. For example, the people involved in SAGE volunteer in schools and after-school programs, serve on boards of educational institutions and raise money for education, and work with education nonprofits like our partners. Many have also helped to pass legislation that strengthens schools.
All it takes to change a child’s life is one committed adult. How can you engage?
For more examples and inspiration, see our stories below. Many great education nonprofits are based here in Portland, Oregon, but many of our partners have a national reach as well.
Consider investing your time and talent with our nonprofit educational partners listed below. We also encourage you to learn more about SAGE's teams that focus on education: Citizen Project, Climate Education, and Mentoring (Parkrose Middle School and High Desert Middle School).
"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."
- Frederick Douglass