Visiting SAGE on Living a Legacy Featuring Marc Freedman

Oregon Historical Society

On May 23, SAGE hosted Visiting SAGE Marc Freedman for a special presentation: Don’t Leave a Legacy – Live One, followed by Q&A and time to mingle and learn about opportunities to take action for future generations. Author of The Big Shift and creator of the $100,000 Purpose Prize, The New York Times describes Freedman…

Visiting SAGE on Finding Your Path Featuring Nicholas Kristof

First Congregational Church 1126 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR, United States

SAGE honored New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof as its 2014 Visiting SAGE speaker. Presenting to over 750 guests, Mr. Kristof spoke about his new book, A Path Appears, which he co-authored with his wife, Sheryl WuDunn. Kristof described meaningful and effective new ways to connect to causes that make a real difference—from helping those…

Visiting SAGE on Addressing Inequality in America Featuring Robert Putnam

First Congregational Church 1126 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR, United States

SAGE honored best-selling author Robert Putnam as its 2015 Visiting SAGE. Presenting to over 400 guests, Putnam discussed his newest best-seller Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis, which looks at the growing barriers to upward mobility faced by children and families. Putnam is a highly-acclaimed professor of public policy at Harvard University who served…

Visiting SAGE on Climate Solutions Featuring Paul Hawken

First Congregational Church 1126 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR, United States

SAGE honored best-selling author Paul Hawken as its 2016 Visiting SAGE. Hawken is a world-renown environmentalist, entrepreneur, and author on sustainability. Presenting to over 400 guests, he spotlighted his newest initiative, Project Drawdown, a non-profit that is mapping and modeling 100 existing, substantive solutions to reverse climate change. When implemented globally and at scale over…

Visiting SAGE on Bridging Divides Featuring Van Jones

Sentinel Hotel

With over 600 guests, SAGE featured Van Jones as its 2016 Visiting SAGE speaker. Van Jones is a world-renowned social entrepreneur, best-selling author, and the host of The Van Jones Show on CNN. Jones discussed his new bestseller, Beyond the Messy Truth, a passionate manifesto that exposes hypocrisy on both sides of the political divide.…

Visiting SAGE on the Future of our Oceans Featuring Dr. Sylvia Earle

Portland State University Viking Pavilion

SAGE featured world-renown oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle as our 2019 Visiting SAGE. Popularly called "Her Deepness," Dr. Sylvia Earle is a hero for the planet. She spoke about the world’s oceans as the source of all life, why they’re in peril from pollution and climate change, and how we can save them. She shared her…

2021 Visiting SAGE on Generational Poverty featuring Donna Beegle with Shariff Abdullah

On September 22, 2021, SAGE hosted its seventh Visiting SAGE speaker on Breaking the Cycle of Generational Poverty: From Understanding to Solutions. We featured nationally renowned expert on the causes and experiences of poverty, Dr. Donna M. Beegle. Dr. Beegle is known for her work to break down barriers that prevent people from coming up…

Climate Change: Working Across Generations to Build a Brighter Future

Historic Overlook House, Portland, OR 3839 N Melrose Dr,, Portland, OR, United States

SAGE and Next Generation Innovators co-hosted an intergenerational conversation on climate change to share thoughts and ideas for action. Guests from different generations gathered and shared how the issue of climate change affects them, their families, and friends. They then shared their own ideas and actions and created their own personal action plans to make…

Addressing Implicit Bias: Aligning our Work and Values


Join us on September 23 for a thought-provoking presentation on how to understand and recognize the potential impacts of implicit biases on ourselves and our approaches to supporting social causes. Implicit biases are related to the ways in which people naturally process information about the world around them. Even so, they can lead us to relate…