October LAB Report

The LAB approved a new version of being a lab leader for high school students – evolving the role to be inclusive of high schoolers’ time and travel abilities and still gain insight from that age group.

We agreed to adjust the age to be inclusive of all young people within the Millennial and Gen Z generations.

Reflected on how remarkable it is that earlier this summer the LAB started with a nebulous idea, and while sticking to an objective (of surveying a broad range of young people about their insights on climate change leadership), we’ve clarified a goal and are narrowing in on executing our focus group project.  We’re so grateful to the newly onboard LAB Leaders, Allison Davis and Megan McGinnis, who have brought the project to life and are a testament that the right people come at the right time.

At its inception, the LAB began as a think tank, and we’ve shifted to become an action group with an amazing collaborative decision making process.  Thank goodness you all joined us!


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