
July LAB Report

August 1, 2018

First off, we want to report that the stereotype is indeed true: Millennials love Avocado Toast.

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Van Jones named Visiting SAGE!

July 24, 2018

Jones will be appearing in Portland to discuss his new bestseller Beyond the Messy Truth, a passionate manifesto that exposes hypocrisy on both sides of the political divide.

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Welcome Danielle Lessler to the SAGE Board of Directors

July 6, 2018

Danielle is an audit senior assistant at the accounting firm of Deloitte & Touche, LLP. Originally from the UK, she serves on SAGE’s Board and as Vice Chair of SAGE’s Young Leaders Advisory Board. Thanks Danielle for helping to advance solutions for our shared future. Click here to learn about…

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Volunteer Spotlight: Akash Singh

April 6, 2018

Special thanks to Akash for serving as a founding member of our Young Leaders Advisory Board. Akash recently received a full ride scholarship to study environmental law at Vermont Law School. We will miss his humor, can-do attitude, and commitment to environmental justice in Portland. Thanks to Akash and the…

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Poem: Hard Talk

March 30, 2018

What if understanding is a light we glimpse beyond the thorny thicket of difficult conversation? What if polite banter won’t get us there, and even civil discourse keeps us here in our old meadow of safety and ignorance? What if it takes a few bruises and scratches to reach that…

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LAB Equity Lens

March 8, 2018

SAGE’s LAB serves as an intergenerational bridge to advance solutions to challenges facing coming generations.  The LAB nurtures a healthy and prosperous future through intergenerational teams that identify and prioritize the challenges facing our shared future; confront these challenges through intergenerational action; and create an enduring culture of activism and civic duty…

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"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."

- Frederick Douglass