Diamondbacks Tutors

Do you want to make a difference in a student’s life?

Join us as a Diamondbacks Tutor and enrich your life while sharing your time and skill with a young person who is at a critical stage of development.

As a tutor, you meet with a High Desert Middle School student in person or online once a week for 30 minutes to help them develop and practice language skills. Some tutors also help with math.

As a Diamondbacks Tutor, you can:

  • Forge a personal friendship with your student and offer emotional support and a sense of stability.
  • Read with your student using different teaching tools to improve their level of fluency and to foster a love of reading. Math support is offered with the guidance of the school’s math faculty.
  • Help your student with homework if appropriate and needed.

How to sign up:

  • Contact Alan Hilles (see info below) and he’ll help you.
  • Become a High Desert Middle School volunteer by filling out
    their form and completing a background check.


Contact Alan Hilles to learn more
diamondbackstutoring@gmail.com • (971) 717-6570


Download the PDF for this program here >>

Other things you should know:

  • It is not necessary to have a teaching credential, but it is critical to love children. Many students speak Spanish. No Spanish proficiency is needed to tutor (although appreciated!)
  •  If you tutor in person, you must be able to go to the school. If you tutor online, students will connect with you during the school day through a computer program called WebEx (like Zoom). A teacher at the school will supervise and assist you.
  • You are invited to attend two online educational meetings with other tutors in the program on enrichment topics, continuing education, and a chance to share learning with each other.

Flexible time commitment

As a Diamondbacks Tutor, we will help you and your student find an
optimal time for tutoring. In general, we arrange the tutoring during the school year on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tutoring can occur mid-morning and mid-afternoon, depending on school schedules for the year and depending on your availability. We ask that you commit to tutor for the entire school year although we will accommodate time away for vacations, etc.


This program is offered through a partnership between High Desert Middle School, SAGE, and the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon