2 events found.
Visiting SAGE on Living a Legacy Featuring Marc Freedman
Oregon Historical SocietyOn May 23, SAGE hosted Visiting SAGE Marc Freedman for a special presentation: Don’t Leave a Legacy – Live One, followed by Q&A and time to mingle and learn about opportunities to take action for future generations. Author of The Big Shift and creator of the $100,000 Purpose Prize, The New York Times describes Freedman…
Visiting SAGE on Finding Your Path Featuring Nicholas Kristof
First Congregational Church 1126 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR, United StatesSAGE honored New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof as its 2014 Visiting SAGE speaker. Presenting to over 750 guests, Mr. Kristof spoke about his new book, A Path Appears, which he co-authored with his wife, Sheryl WuDunn. Kristof described meaningful and effective new ways to connect to causes that make a real difference—from helping those…