Happy Birthday SAGE – Celebrating 10+ Years!

Historic Overlook House, Portland, OR 3839 N Melrose Dr,, Portland, OR, United States

Join us for a fun, informal, and outdoor dinner to celebrate SAGE’s 10+ years of giving forward! Featuring songs from the Chibishibishi Marimba Band, folk music by Tom May, and stories and poems from our community about giving forward. Event Details Tuesday, September 12, 2023 Outdoor Party starts at 6:30 p.m. The Historic Overlook House,…


Visiting SAGE: The Future of Community – Featuring David Brooks
Presented with Cambia Health Foundation

First Congregational Church 1126 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR, United States

View a YouTube recording of this past event here >> Celebrated writer and social commentator David Brooks will speak about America’s crisis of connection and the need to weave a new, inclusive social fabric at the 2023 Visiting SAGE. Brooks will spotlight how we can all help shift our culture to value deep relationships and…


Civil Dialogue Across Political Lines

Parson's Gallery, PSU Urban Center Building 506 SW Mill St, Level 2, Portland, OR, United States

Join us on November 1 for a special event about civil dialogue during contentious political times. The national election is one year out, and already people are worried about talking politics with friends, co-workers, and family members. It doesn’t help that the media and many of our political leaders stoke conflict, distrust, and divisions among…


Dialogue for Depolarization Webinar – Hosted by SAGE & Facilitated by CURE PDX

Online Workshop

Learn dialogue skills that can help lead to less polarized relationships and communities. Join SAGE for a webinar led by our partner, CURE PDX, that introduces you to skills that support your ability to have productive conversations across political and ideological differences. By the end of this online event, you will: Learn the “curiosity loading”…


Let’s Build Complete Communities


  How do we build healthy, vibrant, and complete communities where you can access food, water, nature, and key services all within a 15-minute walk or roll?  Join us on March 20 for our webinar to learn about the great work going on in Portland and other regions to develop and strengthen complete communities for…

SAGE Awards

World Forestry Center 4033 SW Canyon Rd, Portland, Oregon

Join us on October 10 for the 2024 SAGE Awards honoring our founder, Ward Greene. For over twelve years, Ward has served as SAGE’s President and volunteered over 7,500 hours to make our work possible. He has led SAGE with all his heart, enabled us to engage over 20,000 people in our work, and believed…


SAGE Welcome: Learn about our mission, programs, and how to get involved


  Join us online to connect and learn about SAGE. Together, we inspire and support people over fifty to give forward so that future generations can thrive. We spotlight challenges facing the future with a focus on education, the environment, and the economy. We also connect people to resources and opportunities to get involved, and…


Visiting SAGE: Future of Hope
with Jane Goodall

Elsinore Theatre 170 High Street SE, Salem, OR, United States

Conservation icon, Dr. Jane Goodall will take the stage for one night in Oregon to share personal reflections on her remarkable life, her trailblazing work and her inspirational message of hope for our planet. April 10, 2025 at Elsinore Theatre in Salem |  7:00 to 9:00 pm | $30 - $70; $10 for students  Due…

$10 – $70