Learn dialogue skills that can help lead to less polarized relationships and communities.
Join SAGE for a webinar led by our partner, CURE PDX, that introduces you to skills that support your ability to have productive conversations across political and ideological differences.
By the end of this online event, you will:
- Learn the “curiosity loading” technique to generate a curious attitude prior to any dialogue or difficult discussion.
- Complete a self-assessment to gauge conversational habits during difficult discussions/conflict.
- Gain skills in active listening, open-ended questions, paraphrasing, and other key dialogue practices.
- Have a template or roadmap to help guide discussions on polarizing issues.
This webinar is hosted by SAGE. The event will be facilitated by our partner, Cure PDX, which is a nonprofit that aims to reduce conflict, hate, and violence in Portland and surrounding areas by altering norms relating to violence and building the infrastructure for addressing the root causes. Cure-pdx.org.